Study planner for an effective study schedule
Are you preparing for any competitive exams? Are you a Kerala PSC or any state PSC aspirant? Here is some useful things for yor preparation. you can download study planners here. The study schedulers include 3 sheets mainly, Year planner, Monthly study planner and Weekly study planner.
Study/Work planner
this study planner can also be used as a work planner, yearly planner, monthly planner and weekly work planner.
What is the need of a study planner?/ work planner?
Planning for anything helps you find a balance that you are comfortable with. Especially in study and work the planning means a lot.
To make the study time effectively or to work effectively within prescribed time, we need to follow a Study/ work routine.
Annual/ Yearly Study planner

This yearly study planner sheet consists of space for each month, and we can set our goals accordingly month wise.
Monthly study planner

This monthly study planner sheet consists of space for each week, so that we can set weekly goals for study as well as work.
Weekly Study planner

In this weekly study planner we can assign each day in our week for topics we need to complete.
You can plan the Work for a day too…. Daily planner 🙂
Download all planners from given below download links
All the Best
Bibi Mohanan
Are you preparing for any competitive exams? Are you a Kerala PSC or any state PSC aspirant? Here is some useful things for yor preparation. you can download OMR Sheet pdf.
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