Channar Revolt- Melmund Samaram-Maru Marakkal Samaram 1813-1859

Channar Revolt ( Channar lahala/channar Rebellion)

Channar Revolt ( Channar lahala/channar Rebellion) is also known as Melmund Strike(melmund samaram) and Maru marakkal strike(maru marakkal samaram).

The Channar revolt was for obtaining the right for the channar woman to cover their upper body( breast) using cloth.

only upper class women are allowed to wear the upper body clothes at that time.

Channar revolt was started on 4th January 1859. Chinnan Nadar was the leader of the Channar revolt.

After this Channar revolt (melmund samaram), on 26 July 1859, Sri Uthram Thirunal Marthandavarma proclaimed the right of channar women and all other caste women to wear upper cloths.

Who was the ruler of Travancore during channar agitation?

Uthram Thirunal Marthanda Varma

Previous Questions on Channar Revolt

  1. Which was the first social agitation in Kerala?

Ans: Channar Revolt (Channar lahala)

2. Which social reformer was an inspiration for Channar Lahala?

Ans : Vaikunda Swamikal

3. First channar Revolt was in- 1822 (PSC answer)- Field officer Exam,Kerala forest Development Co.Ltd

4. In 1813, which British dewan in the Travancore court, issued an order granting permission to women converted to Christianity to wear upper cloth ?

Ans: Colonel John Munro

Also Read:

Malayali Memorial and Ezhava Memorial

Women Social Reformers of Kerala

Pandit Karuppan (K.P karuppan)

Also Vist : for previous questions

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2 thoughts on “Channar Revolt- Melmund Samaram-Maru Marakkal Samaram 1813-1859”

  1. Can Mr.Bibi write about Samandham of Nair community with Nambhoodiris now…..can you people endorse that now…can you talk about it now

  2. Covering the Breast was not permitted to all except Beahmains in Travancore…..Only the shanars the dependent caste of Nadars fought for it…also the right was given immediately once it was opposed after proclamation in 1814 but the fight was to drap the saree in the way how the tamilians used to wear across the shoulders……as they are the tamil community and the right to cover the breast was got by the other communities very late in 1920s…
    Why it is hidden by the writters like Jayasree whether to shoe that the nairs were treated well by the Brahmins or to show that the Nadars were treated badly by the brahmins…..1.In the Travancore State manual Vol 1,the writer Nagam Aiya states that it was the rule given by the Lord parshu Ram and 2.J.J.Hutton in says that the sudras insists to write now that the upper cloth was forbidden to only to others…..
    Being writers one should be ready to tell the truth and the Newsletters should analyse and publish….


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