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Expected cut off for company corporation Assistant Exam 5 August 2018
Hi friends,
The most awaited exam is over now. Kerala PSC has released the provisional answer Key. All of you may have checked your answers and calculated the marks. Even though there are some doubts and confusions regarding the answer key published by Kerala PSC, all are eager about the expected cutoff Marks.
I have already uploaded a video regarding the analysis and Cutoff for company corporation Assistant Exam, you can watch it by clicking here.
A short analysis of the question paper of company corporation Assistant Exam
The questions were easy and not up to the level of a degree level exam. Anyone who prepared good enough with the previous papers can score high. Most of the questions can be answered by any aspirant with an average preparation level also. There were some mistakes in some of the questions, some questions were not clear enough and answers are missing in the options. Hoping that these questions will be removed.
Any way we can wait for the Final answer key. Before that you can utilize the facility to submit your complaints against the answer key.
The general prediction about the cutoff is that it will be above 70 marks. There will be 3 separate lists prepared on the basis of this exam. The list for the 1st category including K.S.F.E , K.S E B etc, 2nd category including the K.S. R.T.C , and the list for the 3rd category Assistant Information officer (P. R. D).
The respective cutoff’s are given below.
1st Category (K.S.F.E , K.S E B etc) = 68- 75 Marks
2nd Category (K.S.R.T.C etc) = 67- 72 Marks
3rd Category ( Asst. Information officer) = 55-60 Marks
The no. of questions in each topics:
- Current Affairs = 11 Questions
- History of India == 8 Questions
- Indian constitution/ Politics = 10 Questions
- Renaissance = 4 Questions
- Science = 10 Questions
The questions were not new for the aspirants, and it was not at all challenging for a seriously preparing aspirant.
We can wait for the declaration of the official cut off . We can anticipate more candidates will be shortlisted as there are more vacancies and 3 lists should be prepared.
All the Best….
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Bibi Mohanan
pls mail me or provide the link to download the ranklist
എക്സാം കഴിഞ്ഞു ഒരു വർഷം ആയി. റിസൾട്ട് ഈ നൂറ്റാണ്ടിൽ തന്നെ ഉണ്ടാകുമോ
Mam I have a doubt , u are predicted ksfe section as 68 to 75. In this ranklist there were 6000 persons in mainlist. It’s ok but your prediction for Assistant Information Officer as 55 to 60. In this ranklist is below 200 persons in main list. How it will possible. Please clarify me