HOW TO APPLY for High Court Assistant Exam Kerala
(1) The eligible candidates are required to apply online through the Recruitment
Portal of the High Court (
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The link for the application will be open in the portal on the date indicated in the notification.
(2) Candidates are advised to have a valid Mobile Number / valid personal email ID.
It should be kept active during the recruitment process.
No request for change of Mobile Number/e-mail ID will be entertained. High Court will send various intimations relating to the recruitment as SMS/e-mail to this Mobile Number/e-mail ID.
If the candidate does not mention his/her Mobile Number/e-mail ID, no intimation relating to the recruitment will be sent to the candidates. Such candidates will have to visit the Recruitment Portal of the High Court frequently for getting information about the recruitment.
(3) The candidate should have the relevant documents/ certificates pertaining to age, qualification, caste, percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying examination, etc., and scanned (digital) image of his/her photograph and signature ready available with them before he/she commences the application process.
Guidelines for Photo & Signature and Sample Application Form are provided in the main page of the online application.

(4) To start the process, the candidates should click the link ‘STEP-I’ below the head ‘New Applicant’ seen on the left side of the home page.
Step I

This will take the candidate to the next page where the option of ‘Posts’ are displayed.
The candidates can access the RECRUITMENT OF ASSISTANT by clicking the option ‘ASSISTANT’ available there.

(5) In STEP-I, the candidate has to fill in basic information about him/her. The
information provided during the STEP-I process is of permanent nature and
cannot be modified.

(6) Towards the end of STEP-I process, the candidate will be asked to generate
a Key Number. The Key Number should be eight digit long and it should
contain at least one upper case letter ( A,B, C,….), one lower case letter
(a,b,c,…..), one digit (0,1,2,3,….) and one of the special characters (!, @, #, $,
%, ^, *, (, ),_,-, +). The candidate is advised to note down the Key Number
and to keep it securely till the selection process is over since it is required to
be entered each time he/she logs into the system. Under no circumstances,
should he/she share/mention Key Number with/to any other person. If the
candidate is unable to retrieve the key number, he/she can reset the key
number using the link ‘RESET KEY NUMBER’ available in the Home Page.
This facility will be available for three times only.
(7) On completion of STEP-I, the candidate will be assigned an Application
Number which will be displayed on the screen and intimated to the
candidates through SMS/e-Mail.
(8) Candidates who are exempted from fee payment and the candidates who
wish to pay the fee through online mode (Debit Card/Credit Card/Net
Banking) can complete the application process in one go. In case the
candidates is unable to complete the application process in one go, he/she
can login to STEP-II link available in the Home Page by providing Application
Number and Key Number and continue the process.
(9) For the candidates who wish to pay the fee through offline mode
1. On completion of the STEP-I Process the candidate can take the the printout of the system generated Fee Payment Challan by clicking on the link “Download Challan”. The candidate can also take a print of the
Fee Payment Challan by clicking on the link “Dowload Challan” in the profile of the candidate in STEP-II.
2. Making use of this Challan, the candidate can deposite the fee in cash at any branches of the State Bank of India after two banking days on completion of STEP-I Process or on receipt of an SMS alert in this regard, whichever is earlier.
3. The bank will not accept any other challan/form for the payment of fee by cash. On depositing the fee by this challan, the bank will provide a “Journal Number”. The candidate should ensure that on depost of fee, the bank branch issues to him/her the CANDIDATE COPY of the Challan with Journal number and Date of Deposit clearly written/stamped in it. Those who paid the fee can proceed with
STEP-II only after 2 banking days of making the fee payment or on receipt of an SMS alert in this regard, whichever is earlier.
However, the uploading of the photograph and signature in STEP-II can be made even before fee payment, if the candidate so desires.
(10) In the profile of the candidate Upload Photo and Signature, Application, Final Submission and Print Application are available.
Only after completion of uploading of photograph and signature, can the candidate
proceed to other links. The details furnished by the candidates in the link ‘APPLICATION’ can be modified till the Final Submission of online applications. However, the photograph and signature once uploaded cannot be changed.
(11) After satisfying that the information furnished are correct and complete by checking ‘Application Preview’ the candidate must finally submit the application by clicking the link ‘Final Submission’ and furnishing the details required therein and click the ‘Proceed’ button. The process of online application will be complete only on Final Submission of application and by clicking the ‘Proceed’ button as stated above.
Once an online
application is finally submitted, no further change can be made in STEP-II.
(12) The candidates can take a printout of the Application and keep it for future reference.
They need not send the printout of the online application or any other documents to the High Court.
* While filling the online application, the name of the candidate should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the Matriculation Certificate.
* Payment of fee by Demand Draft/Cheque/Money Orders/Postal Orders etc. will not be accepted. Fee once paid will not be refunded on any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other examinations or selection.
Admission Tickets/Call Letters for Written Test/ Interview:
(1) The candidates should download the Admission Tickets/Call Letters from the link “STEP-II” from the recruitment portal
(2) The Admission Tickets for written test will be ready for download three weeks prior to the date of the written test and the Call Letters for Interview will be ready for download two weeks prior to the Interview and the matter will be informed through SMS/e-mail.
The Call Letters for Interview will be made available for those candidates who have found place in the Short List.
(3) If a candidate is unable to download his/her Admission Ticket/Call Letter,he/she should contact the High Court at 0484-2562235.
In case no communication is received in the Office of the High Court from the candidate regarding non-receipt of his/her Admission Ticket/Call Letter atleast one week before the Written Test/Interview, as the case may be, he/she himself/herself will be solely responsible for non-receipt of his/her Admission Ticket/Call Letter. The candidates are also advised to visit the recruitment portal of the High Court ( atleast once in a week to know about the schedule of the written test/ Interview.
(4) The candidates should note that their admission to the written test/ interview will be purely provisional based on the information given by them in thOnline Application Form.
This will be subject to verification of all the eligibility conditions by the High Court.
(5) The mere fact that Admission Ticket/Call Letter has been issued to a candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the High Court or that entries made by the candidate in his/her application for the post of Assistant have been accepted by the High Court as true and correct.
The High Court takes up the verification of eligibility conditions of a candidate, with reference to original documents, only after the candidate has qualified for the interview.
You can Check the Best Books for Preparing Kerala High Court Assistant Exam HERE.
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i am not able to complete my step1 procedure. It shows some error messages after
submitting step1.What should i do? I have tried it many times.