Degree level Kerala PSC Questions Set 1
- Flushing Medows in USA is related to:
(a) Football (b) Tennis
(c) Cricket (d) Baseball - Japan surrendered during the Second World
War in:
(a) 1945 (b) 1944
(c) 1942 (d) 1943 - The Russian statesman who became the leader of Soviet Union soon after the death
of Stallin:
(a) Lenin (b) Brushnev
(c) Krushchev (d) Trotsk - The English poet and novelist who is called ‘the last of the Victorians’:
(a) Thomas Hardy (b) Thomas More
(c) Shakespeare (d) Charles Dickens - The wife of Motilal Nehru and mother of Jawaharlal Nehru:
(a) Jija Bhai (b) Mrinalini Devi
(c) Swaroopa Rani (d) None of these - Which is a brand name related to watches?
(a) Adidas (b) Exide
(c) BMW (d) Rolex - The novel written by Ernest Hemmingway in the background of Spanish Civil War:
(a) For whom the bells toll
(b) The Old man and the Sea
(c) Mother (d) Emma - Who invented super computer?
(a) Charles Babbage (b) J.H. Van Tassel
(c) Swington (d) Sinclair - The study of fungus:
(a) Phycology (b) Myology
(c) Mycology (d) Oncology - Manometer is used to measure …… of
(a) Pressure (b) Weight
(c) Density (d) None of these - The surface that reflects all the colours in
the spectrum will be seen as:
(a) Red (b) Yellow
(c) White (d) Black - Which is known as ‘universal solvent’?
(a) Blood (b) Water
(c) Kerozene (d) Petrol - Element formed during hydrogen bomb
(a) Hydrogen (b) Helium
(c) Nitrogen (d) Carbon - Plant that has fruits and no seeds:
(a) Tea (b) Coffee
(c) Plantain (d) Paddy - Xerophytes are grown in:
(a) Trees (b) Decayed matters
(c) Deserts (d) Marshy areas - The tallest bird:
(a) Peacock (b) Pelican
(c) Ostrich (d) Emu - Tetany is a disease which affects the
functioning of …….
(a) Skin (b) Muscular actions
(c) Liver (d) Spleen - In which part of the eye, image is formed?
(a) Retina (b) Lens
(c) Iris (d) None of these - Which planet reflect sunlight the most?
(a) Earth (b) Mercury
(c) Venus (d) Jupiter - The difference in longitue between two
places that have a time difference of one
(a) 7.5 (b) 15
(c) 30 (d) 60 - The first political occasion in which
‘Janaganamana’ sung was the session of
the Indian National Congress held on 27th
December, ……
(a) 1896 (b) 1911
(c) 1921 (d) 1906 - In which region of India desert is situated:
(a) North east (b) North west
(c) South east (d) South west - The largest language in Dravidian group:
(a) Tamil (b) Malayalam
(c) Kannada (d) Telugu - The river that covers the longest distance in
(a) Ganga (b) Brahmaputra
(c) Indus (d) Godavari - The profound influence of which religion
can be seen in Ajanta Caves?
(a) Jainism (b) Buddhism
(c) Zorashtrianism (d) Christianity
1 (b) 2(a) 3 (c) 4 (a) 5(c)6(d) 7(a) 8(b) 9(b) 10(a)
11(c) 12(b) 13(b) 14(c) 15(c)16(c)17(b) 18(a) 19(c)
20(b) 21(b) 22 (b) 23(d) 24 (a) 25(b)
You can Attend Indian Constitution Quiz Below. Click on NEXT button, you will be directed to the Quiz for Degree level Kerala PSC Exams
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#1. Which amendment declares Delhi as National Capital Territory of India/
#2. Which Part of the Constitution contains emergency provisions?
#3. Under which Article of the constitution of India can the President of India be impeached?
#4. Which Schedule of the Constitution was added by first amendment of the constitution?
#5. Which Article deals with Finance Commission?
#6. Promotion of International Peace and Security
#7. Nirvachan Sadan is associated to ——–
#8. Indian Parliament passed the Untouchability offences Act in the year —–
#9. Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘ Equality opportunity in matters of public employment’?
#10. The number of members from Rajyasabha to the public accounts Committee?
#11. The total number of elected members in Rajyasabha is ….
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