[sg_popup id=”1345″ event=”inherit”][/sg_popup]Admit card for Company/corporation Assistant is to be generated, download admission ticket after 20th May
company corporation assistant admission ticket-The most awaited Kerala PSC exam of 2018 will be conducted on 9th June, 2018. It was declared to be conducted on 12 May,2018, but later it is postponed to 5th June, 2018 .
The posts are Junior assistant/Cashier/assistant grade II/Clerk grade I/Time keeper grade II/Junior clerk etc.(KSEB,KSFE etc) category Number 399/2017 and Junior assistant/ assistant grade II / LDC etc.(KSRTC,KLDB,SFCK etc) category Number 400/2017 .
A common test will be conducted for Assistant Information officer (Information and public relations), category no: 534/2017 also.
The admit cards/admission tickets can be downloaded from the KPSC website after 2oth May, 2018 only. But, all the candidates need to generate their admission tickets by logging in to their account.
Here is the steps to generate the admit card/admission ticket for Company board/corporation Assistant exam.
(company corporation assistant admission ticket)
- go to Website of Kerala PSC . https://www.keralapsc.gov.in/
- login to one time registration account . you can login from here also
- Click on the admission ticket link.
- Find the post from the list and and click on generate admission ticket.
you will get a message like this

The message given in pink says that, the admission ticket will be for download after 20-05-2018.
So, all my friends, all of you who are preparing for Assistant exam need to be generate your admission ticket as soon as possible. If you delayed, at the last point of time there may be issues like website not available etc.
Hope all are preparing well for the exam. The syllabus in detail can be read here. How to Self prepare for exam can be read here.To test you level of preparation, you need to attend mock tests/ model exams. you can try some these question paper sets
- From talent academy : [easyazon_link identifier=”B077YJZ7NW” locale=”IN” nw=”y”]PSC Degree Level Exam Past Question Papers[/easyazon_link]
- Letterzone champion :
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All the best for your exams.
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